Thursday, January 27, 2022

January 2022 Update

Dear Friends,

Can you believe it is January 2022 already. I guess the old saying is true. You know the one that goes like this: "Time flies when you're having fun." Don't get me wrong, my thirty-one years of teaching and coaching at Ben Lippen School were fantastic. I have so many great memories the Lord often uses to encourage me in a way that only He can. But, what I'm doing now is off the charts. I continue to speak every Sunday and every Wednesday somewhere in the southeast. In fact, I am booked to speak on Sundays and Wednesdays for the next two years. I can only say God is so good to let us peek into what He is doing in this world. And then, He includes us in on what He is doing. Amazing, simply amazing!

Today, I received a phone call from a young man named Kelly whom I have been working with for some time. When I answered the phone, I could hear the anxiety in his voice. He then told me a story that was simply heartbreaking. After a lengthy, yet, substantive conversation, we prayed about his situation, asking the Lord to reveal Himself, then we hung up the phone. In the meantime, I asked several people to pray for this man and his family, and no sooner had I asked for prayer, Kelly called back. This time there was a different tone in his voice. It was an excitedly happy tone. Kelly went on to tell me the coolest story about how the Lord had already answered our prayer. I love it when the Lord does these things. At the end of my second phone conversation with Kelly, I reminded him the most important thing God does for us is NOT that He meets our material needs, but that He reveals Himself to us. Kelly had the choicest words at that moment; he said, "Yeah, it's like God is giving me a story with Him that I can tell to others!" That is so spot on, isn't it? And, that is what it is all about.

Well, I wanted to drop you all a line to thank you for being used in my life by the Lord. Your constant support through prayer and/or contributions mean the world to Debbie and me. He is using you to enable us to work with several that we are coaching right now. As I have mentioned so many times before, no two days are the same. In fact, I have been hearing from more and more people who read our blog, , and access our podcasts through our YouTube channel, and our Rumble channel . This has been rather challenging and yet rewarding because so many people are not versed in the Scriptures. It is my prayer that the four or so hours that I spend on the blog and podcasts each Monday through Friday are blessed by the Lord and are useful to the spiritual growth of many we will not meet until we are in heaven. The analytics from our blog and our YouTube channel and our Rumble channel are really encouraging. We have up to 159 subscribers on our YouTube channel with over 500 podcast views each month. The analytics from our blog reveal that 42,525 people have visited my blog since its inception. This month 1,510 people have read the blogs, and people from several countries including: the United States, Turkey, France, Canada, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, and unknown regions (including China) are regularly accessing the blog. Periodically, I receive emails from some of these and we have been known to have conversations that have gone on for months. The analytics from our Rumble channel reveals 219 podcasts have been watched this month.

Finally, let me encourage you to continue in prayer for several who are in need of God's intervention right now. I will list their names and needs below.

1. Please be in prayer for Jonathan Britton who has a small benign tumor on his brain stem. This tumor is causing many difficulties for Jonathan, and the surgeons are fearful of trying to remove it because of where it is located. There is a procedure that will be performed on Jonathan soon that perhaps will reduce the size or even eliminate it entirely. I will be in touch with you regarding this. Please pray for a miracle.

2. Please be in prayer for those whom I am coaching right now, including Kelly, Kevin, Jim, Brenda, Troy, Ty and Jeff.

3. Please be in prayer for some precious friends with whom Debbie and I are actively sharing our faith. Please pray that Ian, Ryan, Scott and Kim, Michael and Buffy, Tony and his son Aaron, Tony and Fashawn, and Jack and Sue will come to faith in the Lord soon. Please pray the Lord will convict these of their sin, His righteousness, and the judgment to come.

4. Please pray for the salvation and the spiritual growth of those who access our social media spots.


Bobby Young

A.C.T. Intl


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