Friday, October 28, 2022

October 2022 BYM Update

Dear Friends,

I trust you all are doing well and experiencing the Lord's blessing in tremendous ways during these days of great uncertainty. Our family continues to enjoy the blessing of God's leading and direction  in our lives. Debbie and I really enjoy spending time with our children and get lots of laughs from our four grandchildren. Our oldest son, Greg, and his wife, Demi, have a daughter. Our second son, Will, and his wife, Lucy, have two daughters and one son. Our youngest son, Geoffrey, is a junior at USC and spends quite a bit of time ministering with a college group. Someone asked me recently what it is like to be a grandpa, I responded with, "I'm trying to get used to being married to a Grandma." 

As you know, I taught Bible and coached at Ben Lippen School for thirty-one years. I remember very clearly the first baseball game that I was a part of at BL. Hammond beat us unmercifully. That day, something really bad happened in my heart regarding Hammond. In fact, that day I vowed secretly and in my heart to never do anything to aid Hammond school. I have discovered, when we protect disdain in our hearts toward anyone, the Lord will be faithful to address that in us. Let me tell you what I mean.

The Lord has shown me that it is really useless to say that I would never minister to a particular person or to a particular group of people. Many of you may know that the Offensive Coordinator at Hammond is Eric Wilson. And, recently Eric contacted me about what to do for a Bible Study with the Hammond football coaches. My first response was to say to the Lord, "I hope you are not telling me to be a part of this!" Well, to make a long story short, the Lord was telling me to be a part of a Bible Study with the Hammond football coaches, and, I might say, it has been a blast. We have been meeting for a couple of months and the discussions have been some of the best that I have been a part of in my forty-one years as a believer in Christ.

The other day, I was speaking with one of my closest friends, and he said, "Today, I realized that all that you are doing, I have a part in. The fact that I pray daily and contribute often, that makes me a very important part to what you are doing. So, when you teach someone God's word, it is as though I am, too." Do you know what? My dear friend is right. In fact, you are also in his shoes. Every person who has read one of my blogs or listened to one of my podcasts, you have indirectly been involved with by virtue of your prayers and your contributions. That means you have been very involved in the production of more than 1,192 blogs since we began this ministry in the summer of 2018. Of the more than 53,000 hits on our blog, you have played a very important role in making that possible. You, due to your prayers and contributions, have made it possible for the 17,382 who have listened to one of my 970 podcasts. I would say that you are far more involved in ministry than you know.

Finally, please continue to pray for me as I speak every Sunday and Wednesday somewhere in Georgia, South Carolina, or North Carolina. It is a blessing that I am booked for the next two years to speak every Wednesday and Sunday. Also, pray for those whom I am discipling currently. Pray that they will have a hunger for God's word. Thank you for obeying the promptings the Lord has sent your way to be involved in this ministry. Your prayers and contributions are greatly appreciated. To God be the glory!

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